Certification & Continuing Education


"When all your muscles are properly developed, you will, as a matter of course, perform your work with minimum effort and maximum pleasure."--Joseph Pilates


Teacher Training

with Penelope Wyer Barrow & Andrea Chesek


The Classical Pilates Certification Program is a 700 hour seminar program with Penelope Wyer Barrow covering the complete authentic method of Pilates training, including matwork, the reformer, the Cadillac, the chairs, the barrels and the Ped-a-pol. This comprehensive classical Pilates training program includes 80+ hours of seminar instruction and will require a total of 700 hours, including observation, instruction, classwork, apprentice meetings and student teaching. In addition to learning the over 500 traditional Pilates exercises, the program will also focus on Pilates based anatomy, exercise modifications for injuries and special needs, and the ability to teach at both the private level and group level. Upon successful completion of the seminars, apprenticing requirements, and all exams, students will receive a Classical Pilates Teacher Certificate through Penelope Barrow, owner and teacher of Pure Pilates Asheville.

Penelope also offers a bridge certification program which is available for those students previously fully certified who wish to deepen their Pilates training with a classical certification. Full certification is classified as a 500 or more hour program covering all Pilates equipment.

Course auditing is also available for the serious intermediate to advanced student that wishes to understand the method for their own self advancement.

For further information and interest on the Teacher Training please email info@properpilatesstudio.com.


Weekend Workshops & Teacher Training Certification 

Offering throughout the year various workshops taught by Classical Master Teacher Trainers. Join this unique Pilates experience for only a day or immerse yourself for the entire two to three day journey. Available for all certified teachers, enthusiast and practitioners alike! All certifications and/or workshops require a minimum number of people to register to insure that the series is held.  

ProperPilates Studio's first certification program with nationally acclaimed 2nd generation instructor Penelope Wyer - Barrow has gone off with a hit! We will be offering our next authentic certification program in September 2018. More information available!  Call or email the studio!


We will be also offering workshops with Joel Crosby from Vitality Method Studio in Duluth, GA soon!! Joel has been teaching Pilates for 17 years and is passionate about re-educating as many people as possible how to move, exercise, and generate power correctly. After teaching Pilates for 14 years Joel finally met and worked with first generation Pilates instructor Jay Grimes in 2013. This meeting put him on a course to learn even more about Joe’s original work from Jay. Joel graduated from the highly selective master program “The Work” with Jay Grimes at Vintage Pilates in 2016. Stay tuned for dates on workshops being offered! 

For information and interest on certifications/workshops, email info@properpilatessudio.com to receive more details on workshops or interest in becoming a Classically trained Pilates instructor!


Workshop Dates with Joel Crosby:

Joel is coming back for part II of "Working Outside the Frame"!! Sign up for this event you don's want to miss happening August 12th!

Click here to sign up!

"Working outside the frame" (Part II)

Cadillac exercises outside of the apparatus. The standing exercises can give you a lot of information about the body in front of you. The exercises you will learn can challenge the strong, and assist with correcting alignment and balance.

These also make for a strong finish to a complete Pilates session. In this workshop, you will learn to get even more out of standing arm springs series, leg springs, roll down bar series, and push-through bar outside the frame. 

(PMA CEC's available)

For inquiries or more information email the Studio at info@properpilatesstudio.com or give us a call at 678.561.3872.

Don't miss out!